The poison prevention brochures and educational materials linked below are available to view, download or print free of charge. If you would prefer for these items to be printed and shipped directly to you, please order online through the Wisconsin Poison Center’s Ordering Webpage.
Brochures in English
Activity for children - Activity book
Activity for children - Coloring book
Advice for cleaning and disinfecting
Carbon monoxide in your home
Cough and cold medication abuse
Lead poisoning
Medicines and you: Poisoning facts for adults
Protect your family from poisons
Plant list
Plant booklet
Rural and farm poison safety
Informacion en Espanol
Consejos para limpiar y desinfectar
Controle el monoxido de carbono en su hogar
De la cuidad a la granja; seguridad con los venenos
Proteja a su familia de los venenos
Plantas Communes
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Order Materials
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