Drug Misuse Information

Just think Twice -  A one-stop shop for drug information, treatment resources and stories of success.  The website provides info about the risks and consequences of drugs use and how to avoid the pressure to get involved with them. There are resources on the substances that you may be hearing a lot about, including facts and stats on drugs like marijuana, opioids, and LSD. Included are true stories from young adults who have experienced the problems that substance misuse can bring.

Get Smart about Drugs - A DEA resource with news on drugs, drug trends, and signs and consequences of drug use. Also included is information on treatment and recovery services.

National Hotline and Online Chat -The Partnership to End Addiction has trained professionals available via phone (1-855-378-4373), text message (TEXT 55753) or email to help parents who think their loved one is struggling with addiction.  Call to schedule an appointment to speck with a trained specialist.

Operation Prevention - Discovery Education provides no-cost on-line tools that support every member of the community with the power of prevention.  Help to kickstart life-saving conversations with standards-aligned English and Spanish-language resources for students in grades 3-12 plus additional reaources designed for educators, families and professionals.

Dose of Reality - A Wisconsin based resource containing general drug information, resources for specific age groups and professions, treatment services and narcotics anonymous locations.  

Campus Drug Prevention - The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is pleased to provide institutions of higher education and their surrounding communities with these resources to prevent drug misuse among college students. We are committed to promoting the importance of prevention and its role in helping ensure the health and safety of our nation’s colleges and universities. View an introductory video clip of the website’s features.

Vaping - Information about e-cigarettes and lung injury associated with the use of e-cigarettes and other vaping products.

Vaping THC Oil - As more and more states legalize marijuana and cannabis plants, people—especially young adults and teens—are starting to become curious about what products are available to them. Additionally, many are experimenting with vaping these products, usually in the form of THC oil and CBD oil. However, it's important to note that CBD oil and THC oil impact the body in completely different ways.