The Wisconsin Poison Center Network program debuted in July of 2012. The network is made up of hospitals and health care facilities across the state that recognize the value of the services the Poison Center provides. They have committed to partner with the Poison Center so its services can continue.
Nearly 70 percent of eligible hospitals joined the network in 2012, exceeding the average 40-50 percent first-year adoption rate for new hospital member programs. This testifies to the value of the Poison Center and demonstrates the commitment of Wisconsin health care facilities to provide consistent, high-quality care.
Membership entails an annual fee for unrestricted access to the Poison Center. Belonging to the network is often financially advantageous to a facility instead of being billed for services on a case-by-case basis. In addition, membership is less time consuming administratively.
In 2025, 99% of hospitals participate in the Wisconsin Poison Center Network.
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